"from Gospel to life... and life to Gospel"

St. Josaphat Fraternity
of the
Secular Franciscan Order
Secular Franciscans are organized into groups called fraternities. Our fraternity was established in 1910 and is bonded to the Conventual Franciscan friars of St. Bonaventure Province, who provide the altius moderamen to our fraternity by guaranteeing fidelity to the Franciscan charism, communion with the Church, and union with the larger Franciscan family.
In 2013, our fraternity entered into a spiritual friendship with the Poor Clare Nuns of Our Lady of Mercy Monastery in Belleville, IL who pray for vocations to our fraternity.
Members gather once a month for fellowship and ongoing formation at the parish center of St. Josaphat Basilica in Milwaukee, WI, which is staffed by the Conventual Franciscan friars.
of the
Secular Franciscan Order
Secular Franciscans are organized into groups called fraternities. Our fraternity was established in 1910 and is bonded to the Conventual Franciscan friars of St. Bonaventure Province, who provide the altius moderamen to our fraternity by guaranteeing fidelity to the Franciscan charism, communion with the Church, and union with the larger Franciscan family.
In 2013, our fraternity entered into a spiritual friendship with the Poor Clare Nuns of Our Lady of Mercy Monastery in Belleville, IL who pray for vocations to our fraternity.
Members gather once a month for fellowship and ongoing formation at the parish center of St. Josaphat Basilica in Milwaukee, WI, which is staffed by the Conventual Franciscan friars.
Fraternity Gatherings

We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 am.
There is an 8:00 am parish Mass in the basilica for those who are interested.
Anyone is welcome to join our gatherings.
St. Josaphat Basilica St. Josaphat Parish Center
2333 S. 6th St. 2322 S. 7th St
Milwaukee, WI 53215 Milwaukee, WI 53215
There are 30 in our fraternity. We currently number 19 professed brothers and sisters and have 9 in formation. In addition, we have 2 affiliates to our fraternity.
If you think you might be interested in living your life based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and in the example of St. Francis, please contact us or join us at a gathering. We would love to meet you and explore the possibilitities!
Pax et Bonum! Peace and All Good!
"Francis, rebuild My Church"
There is an 8:00 am parish Mass in the basilica for those who are interested.
Anyone is welcome to join our gatherings.
St. Josaphat Basilica St. Josaphat Parish Center
2333 S. 6th St. 2322 S. 7th St
Milwaukee, WI 53215 Milwaukee, WI 53215
There are 30 in our fraternity. We currently number 19 professed brothers and sisters and have 9 in formation. In addition, we have 2 affiliates to our fraternity.
If you think you might be interested in living your life based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and in the example of St. Francis, please contact us or join us at a gathering. We would love to meet you and explore the possibilitities!
Pax et Bonum! Peace and All Good!
"Francis, rebuild My Church"
Secular Franciscan Order

The Secular Franciscan Order (Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis - OFS) was founded by St. Francis of Assisi in 1209 (and received papal approval in 1221) for secular people (not friars or nuns) who wanted join him in his commitment to radical Gospel living, penance, and lifelong interior conversion.
The Order is a community of Catholic men and women who live and work in the world while seeking to pattern their lives in imitation of Christ in the spirit of St. Francis. Members may be single or married. Diocesan priests and deacons are also members of our Order. While our brothers and sisters make a public profession to live the Gospel, we do not profess vows or live in community as members of religious orders do. Rather, Secular Franciscans live gospel values in their homes, at work, and in society – hence, our secular charism.
Our holy founder, St. Francis, established three Orders:
First Order for friars (priests and religious Brothers)
Second Order for nuns (Poor Clares)
Third Order for secular people (would later split into the Secular Franciscan Order for the laity, diocesan priests and deacons, and the Third Order Regular for religious)
Patrons of the Secular Franciscan Order
St. Louis King of France & St. Elizabeth of Hungary being blessed by St. Francis.
Today, there are 1.2 million people worldwide living the Gospel according to the Franciscan vision (including First, Second and Third Orders), making the Franciscan family the largest spiritual movement in the Catholic Church.
"Preach the Gospel at all times... use words if necessary."
The Order is a community of Catholic men and women who live and work in the world while seeking to pattern their lives in imitation of Christ in the spirit of St. Francis. Members may be single or married. Diocesan priests and deacons are also members of our Order. While our brothers and sisters make a public profession to live the Gospel, we do not profess vows or live in community as members of religious orders do. Rather, Secular Franciscans live gospel values in their homes, at work, and in society – hence, our secular charism.
Our holy founder, St. Francis, established three Orders:
First Order for friars (priests and religious Brothers)
Second Order for nuns (Poor Clares)
Third Order for secular people (would later split into the Secular Franciscan Order for the laity, diocesan priests and deacons, and the Third Order Regular for religious)
Patrons of the Secular Franciscan Order
St. Louis King of France & St. Elizabeth of Hungary being blessed by St. Francis.
Today, there are 1.2 million people worldwide living the Gospel according to the Franciscan vision (including First, Second and Third Orders), making the Franciscan family the largest spiritual movement in the Catholic Church.
"Preach the Gospel at all times... use words if necessary."

Our Order has often been called the Franciscan Third Order, but members were originally referred to as Brothers and Sisters of Penance. Since 1978, our official name recognized by the Holy See is the Secular Franciscan Order (Saecularis Franciscanus Ordinus - O.F.S.). The Holy See has entrusted pastoral and spiritual care of our members to the First Order friars and Third Order Regular.
The Secular Franciscan Order is canonically recognized in the Catholic Church as a public association of the faithful. It is divided into fraternities at various levels: local, regional, national, and international. The OFS is governed by the universal law of the Church as well as the OFS Rule, Constitutions, Ritual, and particular Statutes. The interpretation of the Rule and of the Constitutions belongs to the Holy See.
The spirit of the Secular Franciscan Rule can be found in Article 4:
"The rule and life of the Secular Franciscan is this: To observe the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by following the example of St. Francis of Assisi, who made Christ the inspiration and the center of his life with God and people. Christ, the gift of the Father’s love, is the way to him, the Truth into which the Holy Spirit leads us, and the life which he has come to give abundantly. Secular Franciscans should devote themselves especially to careful reading of the gospel, going from gospel to life and life to the gospel."
St. Josaphat Fraternity belongs to the La Verna Region of the Secular Franciscan Order. The La Verna Region is comprised of 19 fraternities within Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
The National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order (NAFRA) reports that in the United States, there are currently
30 regions, 700 fraternities, and 12,000 professed members in our Order. The International Fraternity (CIOFS) reports a worldwide membership of 350,000 professed members.
The Secular Franciscan Order is canonically recognized in the Catholic Church as a public association of the faithful. It is divided into fraternities at various levels: local, regional, national, and international. The OFS is governed by the universal law of the Church as well as the OFS Rule, Constitutions, Ritual, and particular Statutes. The interpretation of the Rule and of the Constitutions belongs to the Holy See.
The spirit of the Secular Franciscan Rule can be found in Article 4:
"The rule and life of the Secular Franciscan is this: To observe the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by following the example of St. Francis of Assisi, who made Christ the inspiration and the center of his life with God and people. Christ, the gift of the Father’s love, is the way to him, the Truth into which the Holy Spirit leads us, and the life which he has come to give abundantly. Secular Franciscans should devote themselves especially to careful reading of the gospel, going from gospel to life and life to the gospel."
St. Josaphat Fraternity belongs to the La Verna Region of the Secular Franciscan Order. The La Verna Region is comprised of 19 fraternities within Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
The National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order (NAFRA) reports that in the United States, there are currently
30 regions, 700 fraternities, and 12,000 professed members in our Order. The International Fraternity (CIOFS) reports a worldwide membership of 350,000 professed members.
Our Secular Charism and Franciscan Spirituality
Secular Franciscans seek to deepen a spirituality that is centered on Jesus Christ and rooted in the Gospel. Our love for Christ is so profound, that we desire to transformed by Him, just as our founder, St. Francis, was radically changed into His likeness as a prophetic witness to people of his day. Daily prayer is essential to strengthening our relationship with Christ, and the Liturgy of the Hours, lectio divina, Mass, and frequent reception of the sacraments are highly encouraged. Love for the Holy Eucharist, a devotion to Mary Immaculate, and fidelity to the magisterium keep us in union with the universal Church. Our Franciscan spirituality emphasizes the profound love of God for each and every individual.
Secular Franciscans seek to deepen a spirituality that is centered on Jesus Christ and rooted in the Gospel. Our love for Christ is so profound, that we desire to transformed by Him, just as our founder, St. Francis, was radically changed into His likeness as a prophetic witness to people of his day. Daily prayer is essential to strengthening our relationship with Christ, and the Liturgy of the Hours, lectio divina, Mass, and frequent reception of the sacraments are highly encouraged. Love for the Holy Eucharist, a devotion to Mary Immaculate, and fidelity to the magisterium keep us in union with the universal Church. Our Franciscan spirituality emphasizes the profound love of God for each and every individual.

Secular Franciscans live to make a difference.
Inspired by Christ’s Gospel call to repent from sin and build up the Kingdom of God by fostering a greater sense of fraternity among all people, Secular Franciscans are peacemakers and focus on building loving relationships in our communities. Freeing ourselves from the prevalent materialism and consumerism of our day, we opt to live simple lives as a counter-cultural alternative. We work for social justice on all levels, with a preferential option for the poor, pledging our solidarity with the marginalized, powerless and the outcast, and promote a greater respect for the sanctity of human life on all levels. Opening ourselves to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we strive to be agents of positive change, building a civilization of love and life. Since we treasure all that God has given to us as gift, environmental concerns urge us to care for all God’s creation and practice good stewardship.
As consecrated lay people, as well as diocesan priests and deacons, living in the secular state, we Franciscans do all of this in our families, work places, parishes, and in the societies in which we live. Our secular vocation calls us to be leaven in the world.
Inspired by Christ’s Gospel call to repent from sin and build up the Kingdom of God by fostering a greater sense of fraternity among all people, Secular Franciscans are peacemakers and focus on building loving relationships in our communities. Freeing ourselves from the prevalent materialism and consumerism of our day, we opt to live simple lives as a counter-cultural alternative. We work for social justice on all levels, with a preferential option for the poor, pledging our solidarity with the marginalized, powerless and the outcast, and promote a greater respect for the sanctity of human life on all levels. Opening ourselves to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we strive to be agents of positive change, building a civilization of love and life. Since we treasure all that God has given to us as gift, environmental concerns urge us to care for all God’s creation and practice good stewardship.
As consecrated lay people, as well as diocesan priests and deacons, living in the secular state, we Franciscans do all of this in our families, work places, parishes, and in the societies in which we live. Our secular vocation calls us to be leaven in the world.

"Gaze upon Christ;
consider Christ;
contemplate Christ;
imitate Christ."
- St. Clare
consider Christ;
contemplate Christ;
imitate Christ."
- St. Clare