FRANCISCAN JUSTICE & PEACE AWARD: St Josaphat Fraternity presented this first annual award to St Anthony HS senior Jazmin Trujillo for her winning video depicting hunger and highlighting how the parish food pantry helps to alleviate it. Linda Faust OFS and Kurt Keidl OFS presented her with the award on 5/8/15.
On 3/14/15 Anna Marie Groark OFS and September Schubilske promoted the M.I. at the Men of Christ conference.
The M.I. (Militia Immaculatae - Knights of the Immaculate) is a worldwide evangelization apostolate (over 400 million members) established by Conventual Franciscan St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917. Its goal is to encourage total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary as a means of spiritual renewal for individuals and society, so as to bring about the social reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. "To Jesus Through Mary." Members wear the miraculous medal as a sign of their consecration. Marian consecration in the Franciscan tradition of St. Maxilimilan Kolbe.
Some of our fraternity members who belong to the M.I. have recently established Immaculata Prayer Village as an opportunity for M.I. members to gather once a month for consecration renewal, communal prayer, study and discussion of Kolbe's writings, and promotion of apostolates. They meet every first Saturday at 10 am in St Anthony High School chapel in Milwaukee (off 2nd & Layton).
September Schubilske, in formation, is actively involved in the pro-life movement. She participates in the 40 Days for Life campaign and is on the board of Catholics 4 Life. In this pic she is praying in front of Affiliated Medical Services with members of the
Milwaukee area Eastern Orthodox Churches.
Our Secular Franciscan Rule states that we should "be in the forefront in promoting justice" (Rule, 15) and should "cultivate... respect for life" (Rule, 17).