This month's fraternity gathering (10/12) welcomed guests from the various parishes we have made vocation presentations at. Our members offered personal testimony of how they were led to our Order and what is means to them to be a Secular Franciscan. Our ongoing formation presentation was delivered by our fraternity minister, Dr. Steve Pontus OFS. In keeping with our theme this year, The Year of Faith, his topic was: “Secular Franciscans & the Documents of Vatican II: Apostolicam Actuositatem and Christifideles Laici (JPII, 1988) and the Lay Vocation." Since our Order has a particularly secular charism, this topic was extremely relevant. Announcements included a reminder about our pastoral visitation next month by Fr. Lester Bach OFM Cap. There will be a council meeting at 9 am, followed by the fraternity gathering at 10 am (please note time change!). Newly professed Michael Gabrys OFS will deliver a presentation on the historical development of the Secular Franciscan habit. Our December gathering will include cookie and birdseed packaging, and the January gathering will be our Little Christmas presentation of "Franciscan Saints at the Manger." We will also have the annual selection of a Franciscan saint and admonition or virtue, as well as the gift exchange. We were also reminded that our fraternity is hosting the District gathering in March. Friar Paul Langevin OFM Conv, who was present today, invited us all to his diaconal ordination at the basilica on November 16 at 11 am, with u luncheon to follow. Bishop Callahan OFM Conv with preside at the ordination Mass. Finally, there was a reminder about Soup Saturday next week at St Anthony parish food pantry and then on Saturday October 26 Franciscans for Life will pray the Franciscan Crown rosary at Affiliated abortion facility at 9 am. Afterward, food and fellowship was shared by all!

FALL SERIES - Pray, Learn & Do **
Several Secular Franciscans were among those who attended Saturday's workshop on Poverty in Milwaukee at the House of Peqce on 9/28. Fr. Perry McDonald led us in prayer and gave a presentation, along with Gerri Sheets-Howard and others. After the presentations, we worked to prepare sweaters for distribution to guests at the House of Peace. (L-R: Art Montgomery OFS from emerging St Francis of Assisi Fraternity, Ed & JoAnn Boss OFS of St Paschal Baylon Fraternity and LaVerna Regional Council, Kurt Keidl OFS and Anna Marie Groark OFS of St Josaphat Fraternity, and Fr. Perry McDonald OFM Cap)

Members of St. Josaphat Fraternity with Jim Carlson OFS, regional minister, at Monte Alverno Retreat Center in Appleton, WI for the La Verna Region Spiritual Assistant workshop on September 14, 2013. (Carol Nickasch OFS, Anna Marie Groark OFS, Linda Faust OFS, Judith Longrie OFS, Richard Lepesquer OFS, Kurt Keidl OFS)

Secular Franciscan Linda Faust, OFS of St. Josaphat Fraternity composed the text for a children’s book about the life of St. Francis of Assisi, entitled: THE LIFE OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI. On May 21, student artist Brianna Dorney, a junior at Cardinal Stritch University – a Franciscan university - was selected as the illustrator. Her portfolio can be viewed at: http://www.behance.net/briannadorney
The book is expected to be published after Brianna completes the illustrations, and it will be available for purchase by May 2014. This project of passing on the story of St. Francis to the younger generations is truly a work of Franciscan love, as Linda plans to donate any profits to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, WI – where Our Lady appeared in 1859 to Adele Brise, a Secular Franciscan, and told her to catechize the youth. http://www.shrineofourladyofgoodhelp.com/
We will keep you updated on the progress of the publication of this book. Pray for us as we pass on our Franciscan tradition...